I think this pic is interesting. On the one side you see "Ike" the president on the old TV and the old car outside the window,,the old telephone...and the other side of the pic is more modern, with Bush on the TV and all the new electronics everywhere..Were the Good Old Days really the Good Old Days? I know I would miss my gadgets but I also think it has taken away a much simpler lifestyle too. I miss the Good Old Days.
I'm not one to pine for the good old days, especially considering Ike's time was before the civil rights, women's rights, immigrant rights, gay rights, disability rights days.
For a lot people, the good old days are the bad old days.
Red,you are right!!!
Well, I sure wouldn't want to go to a dentist in the good ole days that's for sure and you are right about the days not being so great for a lot ouf people. But I do miss the simple, uncomplicated way people approached life back then,,no pomp and circumstance.
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