Monday, July 28, 2008


We all have humble opinions on blogging. I've seen quite a few posts lately about it. So here is mine.

I don't care what people put on their blogs or how they compose their post. I do like pictures though. If I like it, I will read it, if I don't, there are many more to read. If it is longer than a cat's tail in a room full of rocking chairs, with no paragraphs, I might ramble with them for a while but it's not my favorite type of post. I exercise the right to change the channel if I am unhappy with a TV show. I do the same with blogs. I mute the music for the most part, but that's not hard to do. Sometimes I like it.

If someone wants to talk about religion, I don't care. I am who I am and they are who they are. I don't think we can truly separate our opinions from our faith entirely because it is a lifestyle and not just a Sunday kind of thing. I know my faith flavors all my life. I just figure for the most part, I am not going to draw atheists to me. But some will come if they like most of what I write and aren't offended by my occasional reference to God. I have friends and family, who think they are atheists. I was one myself before I saw the light....Oops there goes that reference!
I have a blog built around my faith which cuts down on my need to preach on my gardening blog, for instance. But the occasional word might slip in.

I leave if I can't identify with your subject matter in some way. I have many interests, if you live long enough, you will. So most blogs have something that interest me. I stop reading if I get bored. I always comment. So far, I haven't met anyone I didn't like. I like comments, so feel free to talk to each other on my blog. To me that is half the fun. Just don't get in a fight. Don't make me come and smack you. ~[~

I am an old, dirt poor white, Southern, Pentecostal, woman with highly opinionated, conservative, right leaning, thoughts who also likes country music and Southern Gospel. There is enough there for everyone to dislike something about me. LOL--- But just so you know, one of my nieces thinks I am cool because I know who Daughtry and Sugarland are. : )

I try to stay true to who I am and I am drawn to those people who seem real to me. I don't go along to get along. I try to be kind and considerate of other people's feeling when I write but that is not always possible. Some people are just naturally offended at certain things. I try to find people who blog with honesty even if it is not politically correct.

An honest blog with no apology is what I like to read and what I try to write. I just want to make a few friends who enjoy the things I do. Those who share my views on the world and who will look on me as, I'm kidding about the Queen part. : )


Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Could not have said it better myself!!
Diane at Crafty Passions

CurtissAnn said...

I smile through your entire post. Guess what-- I love Southern Gospel, too! When I travel to see Dear Son in Mobile, if I'm driving on Sunday, I finally get to hear it. One time I heard a tag line: "Don't boo the host of the Sunday Morning Gospel Hour." Isn't that funny? And I'm a great Sugarland fan, so maybe I'm cool, too. And I do want to be Queen. :)

Sharon said...

You did it again....made me smile though I am sitting here in great pain...will I ever be glad when all this dental work is over! I, like you, don't mind stating my they politically correct or not...and most of the time they are far from it...age does give you more license to be honest to a fault it seems....thank goodness that most folks just think you are just an eccentric old lady! LOL {:0)

Come Away With Me said...

Your straightforward honesty is refreshing and I think I'm a little bit convicted!

I appreciate the comments you always leave for me, by the way. It's good to know someone has visited and found something of interest.

But, who are Daughtry and Sugarland?? (I'm just saying that--can you see my smile?--to kid around, although really, I don't know them.)

I'm enjoying your blog and I'll be back again to visit.

Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

I think that's what its all about, and of course you are queen of your blog! That is as it should be. I enjoy your blogs so much, and identify with them. Keep it up and tell it like it is, sister! :-)
jenny at Morning Glories in Round Rock

smilnsigh said...

You can't be Queen, 'cause I already am Queen Of The Universe. -grinnnn-
Or so some people tell me. That I think I am anyway.

Miss Mari-Nanci

smilnsigh said...

This is an "Off Topic Comment" but...I seem to have lost my knack for posting/commenting in 'Blog Land,' for a while. All I do lately, is put up a few photos, here and there. I didn't plan on it... It just happened.

And since I don't want anyone to think I got *uppity* or anything, :-) I'm leaving this comment, to explain my absence.

I'm sure to be back in not too long. Can't keep a "Chatty Person" quiet, for too long. :-)

Miss Mari-Nanci

Eve said...

Ah, Miss Mari-Nanci, a lady has to have a little space to compose herself. : )

Melissa said...

if you live long enough, you will

I will be swamped if I keep getting more interests...:)

This post was made me smile.

Robbyn said...

I love what you wrote! I'm so happy to find your blog :) Thank you for stopping by on mine :)

Nola said...

OK, let's all agree: We are each the Queen of our own blogs! I gotta say "Amen!" to your post, you are right, if you don't like the blog leave. Write what you want to and don't apologize. That is one of our fundamental rights, the freedom of speech (well, there I go assuming you are in the US). Keep on posting and don't look back...

Eve said...

nola, I live on the beautiful Gulf Coast, USA. It might be all that Sun that makes me a little goofy. : )

Peggy said...

Amen! LOL great post

Patti said...

Enjoyed the honesty of this post.

Donna said...

Well, Hopefully I passed the honest part...LOL...'cause you Do stop in to say hello!!! There's no other way to be...either you...ain't...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!hughughugs

Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

this is a great post - useful information. funny too, about daughtry, etc.